Puppet Shows
The wide variety of puppet shows are performed by The Children's Entertainer in either a booth or a larger booth and set combination. The children's entertainer brings a self-contained puppet theatre to your venue with everything that is needed to present the puppet show. If you tell, the children's entertainer what is or isn't available at any particular venue he can come prepared. If there is no access to mains electricity a generator can be provided.
Booth Shows
Punch & Judy
A traditional tale performed since the days of Pepys diary a "Professor" recount the trials and tribulations of Mr Punch including characters such as the ghost, the policeman, Judy, Joey the Clown and the favourite, the crocodile.
Chicken Licken
The multi-talented children's entertainer uses puppets to animate the Jataka folklore fable about a chicken who things the sky is falling in. The puppeteer entertains the children encouraging the audience to take part responding to questions from puppet characters in the show. Chicken Licken sets off to tell the King that the sky is falling in, encounters Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey Lurkey and finally Foxy Loxy on the way.
The Frog Prince puppet show
This show is based on a Brothers Grimm's fairy tale. In the Children's Entertainer's Frog Prince puppet show the Princess befriends a frog who transforms into a handsome prince by magic when the princess kissing the frog. The Children's Entertainer draws responses from the children in the audience as kids enjoy the pantomime style banter between themselves and the puppets.
Three Billy Goat's Gruff
The retelling of the traditional story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff by puppets, set in the decorated booth about the size of a telephone kiosk.
Hazelwitch & Curly Locks
This puppet show features Curly Locks as her dream comes true as she is invited to the royal ball. Alas Curly Locks is having a bad hair day, Hazel Witch uses her magic to help, but is goes disastrously wrong. Can Prince Charming save her?
Other small booth shows include : Little Red Riding Hood, Humpty Dumpty,Baa Baa Black Sheep
A party bag gift idea is our puppet show DVD at only £1.50 each they make a memorable gift.
Booth & Set Shows -The shows listed below incorporate a themed backdrop to complement the show theme. In addition, they include an interactive game after the puppet show leading into a magic production the finish the show. These shows are usually a one hour production.
Marmaduke at the Haunted Castle
A stage backdrop of the haunted castle and the keep (approx 11" by 7") . The Chidren's Entertainer and Marmaduke meet a variety of puppet characters in their visit to the castle. Leading onto a giant jigsaw team game to break the magic spell to magically produce Marmadukes real cousin.
The Lion & the Mouse at the Jungle Hut
The backdrop of a jungle village sets the scene for the much loved fable 'The Tale Of The Sick Lion'.
The story is imaginitively brought to life in puppetry by a world class puppeteer. The Childrens Entertainer has over 15 years of experience in puppetry and childrens entertainment and has entertained children throughout the country since 1992.
Using his own puppet creations The Childrens Entertainer re-tells this well known story with a moral from within a booth whilst interacting with the audience.
Ernie the Elf at the Snow Cottage
A new Christmas puppet show following the trials and tribulations of Ernie the Elf as he struggles to make sure Santa's sled is fully loaded with presents whilst trying to make sure his friends and accomplices all do their bit.
Main character is Ernie the Elf, other charcters are Snowman, who has child care issues, Trev, the butch Christmas tree fairy, Donner the grumpy reindeer.
Small appearances are made by Robin, the over fed bird and a delicious looking Christmas pudding!
Captain Addem & "The Black Pig" Pirate Ship
The Black Pig pirate ship comes into dock to round up some land lubbers to set sail to the Caribbean just like Jack Sparrow. Action packed party includes a puppet show, dressing up chest, musical pirate party games, magic show and treasure. Popular with girls and boys of all ages.
The pirate puppet show has 'The Add-miral' trying to teach pirate 'Captain Addwell' how to count with the aid of the traditional nursery rhyme 'One, Two Buckle My Shoe...